Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day 233 August 21


Hey, we made it through the first 2 days of school. Despite the photo of a few days ago, Cadi is so jazzed about 6th grade! She is really excited for this year. Josi was pretty happy with 4th grade too. She's always a little apprehensive about school even though she is a fantastic student. Some of the social situations in her class can sometimes be difficult. Anyway after 2 days of school we really vegged out. The kids played on the computers and I watched What Not to Wear in my old sweats! Cadi found this old baby blanket while we were doing the bedroom remodel and for some reason tonight it became a hair adornment. Never know what's going through that brain of hers!
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1 comment:

  1. cool shot - the thoughts of children...... you´ll never know what happen...
