Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 99 April 9

Tis the season to blow up Peeps in the microwave. Either you get it or you don't get it. I get it. I blow up peeps in the microwave. Josi even said the other day whe I bought this box. "Hey, those are the things you blow up in the microwave!" I know I am probably scarring my children for life. Sorry. Happy Easter! Happy Peeps!


  1. Happy Easter, too!!!

    I didn´t know "Peeps".... sorry...

  2. OH NOOOOOOOOO you are "one of THOSE people"!!!! My big kids think that Peeps are just for blowing up too, I on the other hand wait all year for Easter so I can eat as many peeps as I can get! We just had a "fight" here the other day and I proudly say no Peeps were harmed on my watch.....well unless you count eating their heads first harming them. LOL

  3. Please tell me you eat them then! I love how they get really crispy! mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You put them in the microwave?? For how long?? Never heard of this one!! We make dioramas of them at work - the Halloween ones were really macabre... trust me. My co-workers are WEIRD. Muuuhhahaha!!!
