Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 126 May 6

This isn't a great picture, but I find it almost impossible to take photos in a gym! Anyway last night was the elementary school concert. Here's Cadi playing with the band. She did a great job! It's hard to be a good drummer with beginning band, but she did it. She read the music, kept her eye on the conductor, and she wasn't too loud or too soft. I think she has what it takes to be a very talented percussionist. Who knew when I named her Cadence?


  1. wow fun photo and I hope she becomes a great drummer one day!

  2. I think school band is the greatest -- and it's my biggest regret that I wasn't in band (I was in the drill team). Band members always seem to have a great commaraderie and do so well in all areas of school. I used to date one of the drummers, and they have plenty of self esteem! They really are the lifeblood of the band. Cadi has really picked a great course to follow.

  3. sure you were very proud of her!

    Wonderful memory shot! My son is sometimes singing in the school chorus

  4. I love the name Cadence - glad she's living up to it!

    Oh Marleen, I had typed a note a while back about the Ilanka Center website but it didn't post. My computer, despite being basically totally rebuilt, crashed again that night and I forgot to go back and repost it when I got it back. Anyway, thanks for the link. Lily thought that was really cool and so did I!
